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Wednesday 30 June 09:30 (GMT +0)
A splendid cacophony of moving image from across the CAP programme
A chance to wallow in wonder at the thought provoking creations brought together for your viewing bewilderment. Shown one after the other, presenting moving image work from different artists with different practices: what a show
Amy Wright Belly
Shiting Zheng What is destructive and what is productive
Laura Moreton-Griffiths The Adventures of Gas Hood
Rieko Whitfield Regenesis: An Opera Tentacular (Act II and III)
Mathilda Oosthuizen Pages 1-3 To be Something Else
Kevin Siwoff Code Poems
Kathryn Attrill Hiding Places
Paola Estrella Journey to The Underworld
Baocheng Ma The Snow Globe
Helga Dorothea Fannon In the end we will be archives for someone else to make sense of
Louise Orsted Jensen & Katrine Skovsgaard Attention Postponed
Shinhoo Yhi Lullaby for the homeless
And more....