ADAM Collaboration RCA2021

We are ADAM.
ADAM is a group of four RCA Sculpture students who have been based in a vacated office at Number 10 Adam Street off the Strand since September 2020. ADAM came about through a collective desire to connect during the pandemic, when the streets of London were empty and the studios at the RCA were closed.
ADAM has created a nurturing and open environment; a radical response to the challenging conditions art schools have had to operate in over the past two years. What began as a month-long residency in a unique office space has turned into a fruitful collaboration, grown out of an organic and process-based approach rather than something geared towards a predetermined goal. ADAM has become a fundamental part of our Masters education and will change the way we think about what an art practice can be and what community means moving forward.
ADAM has revolved around conversations; both amongst ourselves and through opening up the space to fellow students, artists and friends alike. ADAM has hosted an Open Office, Crits, organised Clay Days where we invited people to join us in the office to get our hands covered in clay and make pinch pots together, curated a series of Open Call exhibitions and given the space over for others to respond to in their own way. Out of these situations has evolved a community of artists in the heart of London.
ADAM’s most recent collaborative act has been to work with graphic designers Anya Landolt and Ryan Sargent. With their skills, we have built a book which chronicles our time in the space and brings together our collective experiences over the past nine months; a souvenir of ADAM.