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Service Design (MA)

Yinong Xin

Yinong Xin is a Chinese designer, a random person with an ordered system.

Have a background in communication design in undergraduate. Then founded an interdisciplinary studio that focuses on interactive installations and solutions, had experiences with AR& VR prototyping and generative approach in design and art practice.

Yinong Xin

Leggo Squad connects migrant children with curated online and offline free education resources and public services, and specifically provide local community oriented projects with various goals and actions. From participating these projects they can explore where their live and start to build goal-driven social support networks. Also A well-recognised online identity and portfolio on Leggo Squad will also contribute to their confidence and future career development.


There’s limited public school positions. And compared to local kids, their education has less diversity and breadth. Also parents are too busy for proper after-school care. Community integration is a problem for both children and parents. They feel excluded, marginalised, and don’t know what kind of local services are available to them.

So the wellbeing become another issue among migrant children. They tend to have a negative mindset towards challenges, and they are always in the lack of compassion and attention. 

because there’s less social support for them, they are less likely to reach out for help, which contributes to a more isolated situation.

With inadequate development on identity, confidence and social networks, their future can be quite concerning, their Living space and opportunities are squeezed from primary school stage till they become a adult citizen, they can end up with limited career growth, and higher crime rate


It provides Community based project and events,  

Online identity that gives recognition and sense of achievement , which can be carried on while they change different places. Access and feedback loop of local public services so that both children and parents can be more aware of available support and resources.

By being a user of Leggo Squad, children can choose to participate in projects based on interests, and collaborate with others, and these projects could help them to explore where they live, build connections with social support that they can use. When they move back to their hometown, Leggo Squad will take migrant children through an onboarding session, help them stay connected with friends and social workers, and help them to start a new life .

Besides service, from the beginning of the project, we have posted videos and article on social media, to raise awareness and create empathy.

And then I’ve been invited for public opinion collection and analysing towards migrant children.

And Leggo Squad will have a joint promotion video with other organisations on migrant children’s welfare

What leggo Squad is focusing on, are simply 2 things, well-curated and personalised content on quality education.

and equitable public recourse, and by having an accumulated collective voice, their needs can eventually be heard.


They will meet the facilitator or teacher offline, but at the same time use Leggo Squad to keep up and update with the process. They will know new kids  and interaction can happen both online and offline. Finally, after they complete the project, there will be rewards and recognitions that build up their online identity.

So users in Leggo Squad will now go through different levels. Enjoy different benefits at each level. When they have enough experience with Leggo Squad and have become a long-term regular user, they will be eligible to post new projects with their facilitator, and be given unique avatar personalisation.

The ultimate achievement of Leggo Squad is actually by being sophisticated on our platform, users portfolio, and experiences can be a certification that helps them to be recognised by school or industry when they finish compulsory education and want to get a job.


From engagement, Leggo Squad uses migrant services as entry points to have access to our target groups. Working with different project providers to continually have proper and diverse content. At the implementation stage, local authorities and community administration will also be involved, so public service providers, managers and users can be connected through those projects and service curations.and a multi channel evaluation can make Leggo Squad a service that continues to grow.