Elizabeth is a fine artist who transcends the monogamy of mediums to best represent her concepts. She has a BA in painting (Rhode Island School of Design 2016) but has investigated modes of expression through video, installation, performance, and mixed media art. While her art is activated through self-analysing her disturbing interconnected relationships to her body, sex and men, Elizabeth dilutes the uneasiness of her lived experiences under layers of playfulness. This allows for Elizabeth's work to become more approachable while still holding air of discomfort and humour. The viewer is permitted to become a participant of the work, relating to the subtle associative awkwardness and tension that mimics the emotive characteristics used in coping with her own trauma. Without telling her story, Elizabeth can connect with the viewer through universal emotions that live beneath the layers of our life that keep us moving forward.. the ironies of life.
“The whole point of being an artist is to learn about yourself. The photographs I think are less important than the life one is leading.” – Robert Mapplethorpe