Jewellery & Metal (MA)

What you will see in this graduate showcase are Things, Objects, Jewellery and Metal, caught and suspended in virtual dimensions - actual real things and actual virtual things, presented as representations, (re)presented as .jpegs, .stls and .objs. The materiality of the object has been replaced by the materiality of the device through which you are viewing these images.
In this sense, the works of this year's Jewellery and Metal graduates inhabit a threshold zone between the two states of reality: the virtual digital and the actual analogue - they exist in our LIMINAL JaM.
This year’s graduates have undertaken a truly global education, learning across time zones and international borders with many of the represented objects made thousands of miles away from London. Their educational landscape at once both expanding across the world while necessarily being focussed on the potential and possibilities of the small screen.
Advances in technology have presented this new reality where the ability to move through the thresholds of the virtual and the analogue, the ocular and the haptic, are evidenced in the projects you see here. Students have found creative ways of tackling key areas significant to Jewellery and Metal: body - space - material. In doing so, we see new narratives and unexpected approaches emerging, socio-political questions posed, collaborative interactions with AI initiated, poetic interpretations offered, beliefs challenged, and assumptions questioned.
Instagram: @rcajewelleryandmetal