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Print (MA)

Qiaodan Zheng

Qiaodan Zheng (b.1997) is a Chinese artist currently based in China. In 2019, she graduated from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts with a BA in Theatre and Film Literature. She is currently completing her MA in Print at Royal College of Art.

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Print (MA)
Qiaodan Zheng

My work, which focuses on the problems people face in society, is a continuation of the logic of writing scripts in my undergraduate studies. The central concern of recent creations is the dilemmas faced by disadvantaged groups. The context of the creation of the work is mainly China.

Blind Game
Blind Game — The blind track is a tool to assist people with visual impairments to know the way, but it hides dangers. If walking with the help of the blind track is a game, then those who use them will always be the loser.
Wheelchair — The work was originally a wheelchair sculpture made of thin iron wire. On the basis of the sculpture works, the performance video was filmed. The shooting environment is Chongqing, a new first-tier city in China.

There are no disabled people in this world, there are only disabled societies. It is the result of imperfect social facilities and consciousness that the differently abled cannot obtain the conditions to live as freely as the rest of the population.

Rest — 2021, site specific installation (pillow, rebar, cement), variable size
Pillows 1
Pillows 1 — Digital Photography 2021
Pillows 2
Pillows 2 — Digital Photography 2021
Pillows 3
Pillows 3 — Digital Photography 2021
Pillows 4
Pillows 4 — Digital Photography 2021

Excessive use of labour and unreasonable working hours in a commodified society have transformed people's physical and mental rest and entertainment into "cement" for social development or enterprise construction. The high-pressure working environment neglects the physical and mental health of workers, and sometimes even their human rights. The value of people has been reduced, and people have become a tool of production development to a large extent. Getting rest and entertainment become difficult.