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Ling Jiang

Ling Jiang’s design philosophy is about learning from ancient wisdoms, the respect for nature and the treasuring of objects. The principle that healing ourselves will make the earth self-heal. A return from globalization, to caring more about how we treat objects and interact with them. Self-healing and naturalization is aresymbiotic ways of existence on and with our planet.

The research questions she is currently exploring are the following: What kind of craft or ancient wisdom can help us seek cultural engagement with nature as a treatment to urban existence? How do migration, the decentralization of cities, and the eagerness to retreat to a rural environment affect ideas surrounding new luxury lifestyles?

Degree Details

School of Design

Ling Jiang

Ling is using gambiered silk (a traditional dye and coating technique) to achieve elegant functions in men’s wardrobes. She believes sustainability is determined by our lifestyles, how many stories are behind the garment and how much care has been paid in the making process. This is a proverb from an ancient Chinese book, 




It means the unrestrained life doesn’t have to be experienced in the forests, the higher level secluded life is hidden in the city. Ling re-contextualizes and innovates the ancient process to enhance the waterproof function and hopes the garments can help future commuters find peaceful and sustainable lifestyles in a post pandemic existence.

隐|Fabric making process intro
Sunshine Drying process
Sunshine Drying process
silk version
silk version